So what is a C Major 7th interval anyway?
We’ve already spent a bit of time talking about the four main basic intervals (if you missed it or want to refresh a bit, check out this post!) and the major 7th is the next one on our list. Because we like to stay in C for the purpose of these articles, we will be addressing the C Major 7th interval to start. But really this can be applied to all keys.
Since we already know that an interval is the distance between two notes, we can calculate that at a 7th interval is 7 tones up the scale starting at C.

When you play them together, you have that gorgeous dissonance that makes a major 7th.

Here, try playing your 7th tone an octave lower and see how it sounds.

See? Dissonance.
Dissonance is FABULOUS when used correctly, because it creates complexity and color in your chords.
We’ve already chatted about building 7th chords, but it’s going to be important to start incorporating the C Major 7th interval into your ear training practice. There are more than one 7th intervals, and you’ll definitely want to be able to tell the difference.
Add that bad boy into your Earpeggio settings and get to practicing!

Weekly Challenge 💪🏻
Do an Ear Training Challenge this week with your new interval in the mix! My favorite way to start incorporating something new into my practice, or to freshen up a tired old process is to do a Challenge! So let’s do an Ear Training Challenge together!
Step One: Download the Earpeggio app if you haven’t already (check out this post).
Step Two: Commit to setting aside 5 minutes, twice a day for one week (it’s closer to 3mins. I know. I timed it.) Everyone can commit to 10mins a day for a week. Set a reminder on your phone so you don’t forget!
Step Three: Practice the Interval Identification game two times every day!

After you download the Earpeggio app, here’s the settings you’ll want to use inside the Interval Identification game:
- Intervals (M2, M3, P4, P5 + M7)
- Playing Modes (Ascending)
- Fixed Root Note (Toggled on, green when on)
- Root Note (two-line C)
- Tempo (80)
If you want to be accountable, hit me up and let me know that you’re going to do it! I’ll check back in with you 😉
Let’s go!
Drill of the Week! 🎶
This week’s drill is… you guessed it, a Hanon exercise! Let’s go back to basics and revisit Hanon #1 and you can see how much you’ve improved since the last time you tried it. 😊
Check out the demonstration below:
Practice this full exercise 1x daily.
That’s right, only once. Unless you’re super encouraged and find it amazingly easy now.
Then play it as much as your heart desires.

Founding Member Waitlist
After I get the initial 20 Founding Members, I’ll be closing the doors for a short bit and will just have a waitlist for the full-price official opening until we run a test drive and I can get your feedback. Click the button below to learn more about the program!