Last week we started talking about inversions, what they are and why they’re so important. This week we’re going to talk about becoming fluent in them!
Inversions are the foundation for chord voicings, which is just the official way of saying “the different ways to play the same chord.”
Visualizing inversions…
So let’s get started right away with understanding inversions. Later on, we’re really going to talk about how to use inversions to create the right type of voicings.
Generally speaking, inversions are pretty simple. Last week we talked about how an inversion is simply a flipped, or inverted chord.
You just need to get used to seeing them. Like literally visualizing them (no, this isn’t some weird woo woo thing). But you need to visually see the notes and recognize the chord.
As soon as you can see inversions and identify the chord you’re playing, and you start to literally think in inversions, it’s a game changer.
Inversion fluency
Have you ever learned a second (or third) language? It’s basically the same principle here. When people learn a new language, they think in their first language, mentally translate the words they want to say, and then speak them in the second language.
When you become so comfortable in the new language that you begin to skip step one and think in it, it’s one of the signs that you’re becoming fluent.
It’s the same concept with music and especially inversions. You want to look at an inverted chord and know immediately which chord it is.
So how do you get there?
The first step to this level of master is your scales. You want to become fluent in your scales so you know all the notes in each of your keys..
It’s literally going to revolutionize your playing. It’s going to speed up the process. And it’s going to enable you to start to really tune into the recordings that you’re listening to, and play the correct voicing.
And that’s art. That’s how you really start to speak or write the language, use it creatively, use it, artfully, understand why a writer or producer chose to have a line written a certain way.

Remember your goal… go the distance
So as you’re focusing on chord inversions, and if you’re a Coaching student as you’re practicing all of these inversion exercises, just remember your goal.
Because it’s probably going to be really boring! And you might find in the beginning that you don’t see any progress.
But more often than not, my students find that all of a sudden, it clicks.
They’ll be practicing and practicing and practicing. And suddenly they can just SEE these patterns emerge. And they come back so excited.
They’ll tell me, “It’s working! Like I can see it now. And it just clicks!”
And they can just apply it across the board to all their keys.
And that’s the goal.
So, just hang in there, keep doing the work, even when it feels like you don’t really see any progress. Keep going.
Because one day you will and it’s going to be one of those lightbulb moments that will forever change your playing.
Weekly Challenge 💪🏻
Last week we did an inversion challenge for C. This week I want you to do the same thing, but with BOTH HANDS. 🙂
Really want to take it up a notch? For my uber overachievers, I got you. Use both hands and do more than one octave. Practice that this week and then post a video of your success in Tuesday’s Brag Box.
Drill of the Week! 🎶
This week’s DOTW is a Hanon exercise and to be honest, this particular one is one of my personal faves!
CLICK HERE to view the demonstration
Be sure to play slowly and steadily in the beginning. Don’t pick up the speed until you can play the whole thing without mistakes!
Practice this exercise 5x daily.
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